"Reference points"/"Referentne točke" 

2022 - Croatia, Ivanić-Grad, solo exhibition "Reference points", POU Ivanić-Grad Gallery space;

Radovi (8 radova u seriji) su fizički realizirani na / Works (8 works in a serie) are printed on:
TECCO Canvas platno 400 g/m2 (Studio B-Nula, Zagreb)
Dimenzija svakog rada / Size of each work: 111x111 cm

Foreword by: Marijana Paula Ferenčić

"Kilobyte of the Soul"/"Kilobajt duše" 

2020 - Virtual online 3D exhibition, solo exhibition "Kilobyte of the Soul", provided by Kunstmatrix virtual gallery platform from may, 28th 2020 untill august, 27th 2020. 

Radovi (9 radova u seriji) su fizički realizirani na / Works (9 works in a serie) are printed on:
TECCO Canvas platno 400 g/m2 (realizirano u Studiju B-Nula, Zagreb)
Dimenzija svakog rada / Size of each work: 170x110 cm

Foreword by: Marina Petit 

"What if?"/"Što ako?"

 2019 - Croatia, Šibenik, solo exhibition "What if?", Gallery of Saint Grisogono;
Foreword by: Toni Horvatić 

"Behind the pixel"/"Iza piksela" 

2018 - Croatia, Zagreb, solo exhibition "Behind the pixel", Vladimir Filakovac Gallery;
Foreword by: Marijana Paula Ferenčić

"The fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse"/"Peti jahac apokalipse"

 2014 - Croatia, Zagreb, solo exhibition "The fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse", Modulor Gallery, CeKaTe, Zagreb;
Foreword by: Branka Hlevnjak

"Geometry of Energy"/"Geometrija energije"

2011 - Croatia, Zagreb, solo exhibition "Geometry of Energy", CeKaO Gallery;
Foreword by: Iva Koerbler


2010 - Croatia, Zagreb, solo exhibition "Matrices", Vladimir Bužančić Gallery;
Foreword by: Anita Zlomislić